Prophetic Revelation of Christ

by Chip Brogden


“The Revelation of Jesus Christ…” -REVELATION 1:1

The Book of Revelation itself is not primarily the revelation of what the end of the world will be like (although we do learn that), but is the Revelation and Testimony of Jesus Christ. We are immediately confronted with a vision of Jesus Christ standing in the midst of the Ekklesia: it is quite different from the image of the suffering Messiah, despised and rejected of men. So, this is a further unveiling or revealing of the Lord Jesus and is genuinely prophetic.

The rest of the book, its symbols, and its meaning may be unclear, and we may disagree with the interpretations thereof, but the main gist of the book, the revealing of Jesus Christ as the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last, is beyond dispute.

Source: Lord of All by Chip Brogden

About the Author

CHIP BROGDEN is a best-selling author, teacher, and former pastor. His writings and teachings reach more than 135 nations with a simple, consistent, Christ-centered message focusing on relationship, not religion. Learn more »


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