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Exploring the 7 Temples of God
01. The Garden of Eden
Exploring the 7 Temples of God 01. The Garden of Eden There are seven temples revealed in Scripture as God progressively makes Himself available to man in His desire for communion and connection. The Temple is an archetype in Scripture – meaning, it is a recurring...
04. Ezekiel’s Temple
Exploring the 7 Temples of God 04. Ezekiel's Temple The revelation of the Fourth Temple (immediately after the destruction of the Third Temple) is an example of God bringing us from the physical to the spiritual, from the "place" to the "people," from the shadow to...
07. The Temple of God and of the Lamb
Exploring the 7 Temples of God 07. The Temple of God and of the Lamb From the beginning, God created man and sought him out for fellowship and friendship, using the temple archetype as a temporary measure until His purpose in Christ could be fulfilled. The Ekklesia is...
02. The Tabernacle
Exploring the 7 Temples of God 02. The Tabernacle We said before that the first symbolic temple in Scripture wasn’t a building, but a garden. Now we see that the second symbolic temple in Scripture isn’t a building either, but a tent. It took 2,500 years from the...
05. Herod’s Temple
Exploring the 7 Temples of God 05. Herod's Temple Like Israel, the magnificence of our religious buildings has no bearing whatsoever on the depth of our spiritual relationship with God. God does not dwell in temples made with hands – but He still desires a place “on...
03. The Temple of Solomon
Exploring the 7 Temples of God 03. The Temple of Solomon This is not just the story of the Temple. It is the story of the nation of Israel, the "Christian" harlot church system, the house church movement, all 45,000+ denominations, and many ministries built "for God.”...
06. The Temple of Christ
Exploring the 7 Temples of God 06. The Temple of Christ The Ekklesia, the House of Living Stones, is still “under construction.” We are a work in progress. The good news is that “the gates of hell will not prevail” against the Ekklesia that Jesus is building. The...
The Redemptive Purpose of God
Intro: The Redemptive Purpose of God
The Redemptive Purpose of God 00. Introduction: The Redemptive Purpose of God God has a much bigger view in mind for our salvation than taking us to heaven one day. God calls us to something higher, something more, than “mere” salvation (if I can say it that way). Who...
03. The Redemptive Purpose of Deliverance
The Redemptive Purpose of God 03. The Redemptive Purpose of Deliverance Jesus sent Paul “to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light and from the power of satan to God.” God will not do this unilaterally; He needs compassionate collaborators, partners,...
01. The Redemptive Purpose of Salvation
The Redemptive Purpose of God 01. The Redemptive Purpose of Salvation The first step in God’s Redemptive Purpose is to save the world. This starts with saving us from satan and his lies; only then can we receive the forgiveness of sins, which is the Second Birth. But...
04. The Redemptive Purpose of Reconciliation
The Redemptive Purpose of God 04. The Redemptive Purpose of Reconciliation We have seen in this series that the Redemptive Purpose of God begins with salvation – the forgiveness of sins. From there, God begins to make us into new creations, bringing health and healing...
02. The Redemptive Purpose of Healing
The Redemptive Purpose of God 02. The Redemptive Purpose of Healing Yes, God does save today, and God does heal today. These are properly called “miracles.” But until we see all things submitted to the preeminence of Christ, we will continue to experience sickness and...