Feet of Brass
At His feet we discover there is a difference between the Holy and the Human; the One Who comes from Above, and the ones who come from Below; the One Who is Spirit and Truth, and those of us who are merely flesh and blood. His feet are burning brass. This is His majesty, and His righteousness.
A House of Prayer For All Nations
The physical temple came to represent something other than the purpose for which it was created. Thus, the Lord Jesus, in word and in deed, demonstrates that He no longer considers the physical temple as His House, but calls it a “den of thieves”, thus establishing a new House, built upon the foundation of Himself.
The Sad Story of a Wise Old Fool
However well Solomon may have started out, and however well he may have lived for most of his life, Solomon did not finish well. He did not end his life on a good note. He ended poorly. He did not just make some mistakes towards the end of his life – he utterly, completely, and totally failed.
The Strength of Seeing
When the servant’s eyes were opened, he saw what Elisha saw. When Elisha said, “The ones with us are greater than the ones with them” it must have sounded like lunacy. It cannot be understood with words alone: the eyes must be opened.
Reckoning and Reality
Spiritual growth and maturity is the natural result of discovering something new in Christ, reckoning it to be so, living as if it is so (despite all evidence to the contrary), and then seeing our faith rewarded with tangible evidence, spiritual fruit, and practical results.
A Brief History of Called Out Peoples
Just as God called out a remnant of Jews to leave Babylon and journey to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple, God has in these last days called out a remnant of Christians to leave “Churchianity” and take a journey through the wilderness. What is He bringing them to?
One Thing Is Needed
There is something more significant to be seen in Mary who sits at the feet of Jesus versus Martha who is “much serving.” Jesus is not contrasting service and worship and saying that worship is better. No, Jesus is contrasting “many things” with “one thing.”
Three Enemies
All contrary things, whether they be of spiritual, natural, or human origin, find their root in one of these three sources. The glorious thing of course is that God’s provision meets all three enemies and defeats them in order to demonstrate the preeminence of Christ.
Enter the Kingdom
We cannot make the narrow Way more narrow than it is already, but we can certainly mislead people into believing it is wider than it really is. We dare not make it too difficult; but we should tremble at making it too easy.
You are not crazy... and you are not alone! Millions of Christians love God but can't stand church. This podcast explains why.
This online course is for anyone who wants to grow closer to the Lord – especially if you want a deeper relationship with God without religion, church, and all the other “stuff” that complicates the simplicity of that relationship.