The Prodigal Journey of Man
"It was right that we should make merry and be glad, for your brother was dead and is alive again, and was lost and is found.” - Luke 15:32 I think we can compare the whole lostness of mankind with the Prodigal Son. You remember that story in Luke 15. Actually, Jesus...
Simple Faith
What I want you to try as an experiment is to stop thinking of faith and belief in terms of Religion and think of these in terms of Relationship. Faith, belief, and trust mean something different in a Relationship compared to a Religion.
The Classroom of the Cross
Jesus said that “in the world you will have tribulation” (Jn. 16:33). And since this is the case, we might as well make the best possible use of every difficulty and circumstance we find ourselves in. These difficulties will either makes us better, or make us bitter. Ultimately, the outcome depends upon how we choose to respond.
Dismantling the Religious Machine
The problem with the Religion Machine was that it started out as a neat invention designed to help people, but it wound up hurting them. The Machine was made for man, but soon man lived for the Machine and became dependent upon it.
The Law of Life
The branch who abides in the Vine does not have to know how it abides. So long as it abides, it shares in the Life of the Vine. It does not have to ask how it works, and it does not have to be concerned with producing the fruit. It does nothing but abide, and the Life of the Vine keeps it.
The Kingdom, The Power and The Glory
This three-fold benediction concludes what is commonly referred to as the Lord’s Prayer. It is a fitting conclusion to what we call the Prayer of the Kingdom, or the Prayer of the Overcomer. This confession is the summation of all that precedes it, the end result of what we are asking.
Why I’m Not Always Positive and Encouraging
This desire to provide people with a positive and encouraging experience creates an unrealistic expectation in the hearts and minds of the audience and congregation who have come to rely on “the ministry” to keep them properly fed.
Father Knows Best
To be a brother or sister we have to humble ourselves and recognize that we are not the Parent in God’s Family and they are not our children. We have One Father, and He is responsible for the correction, protection, discipline, and direction of His children….
He Must Increase
God is not moving backward, but in the Son and through the Son, He moves steadily forward. Christ MUST increase. Just as we cannot have gravity without having the law of gravity, so it is impossible to have the Life of the Lord but not have the Law of that Life. And the Law of Life is that Christ must increase.
You are not crazy... and you are not alone! Millions of Christians love God but can't stand church. This podcast explains why.
This online course is for anyone who wants to grow closer to the Lord – especially if you want a deeper relationship with God without religion, church, and all the other “stuff” that complicates the simplicity of that relationship.