April 15
and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed,
and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not
be taken away from her.”
LUKE 10:41,42
This One Thing relates to Christ filling all things as the Preeminent One. If we see that God is working all things together according to this Purpose of summing up everything into Christ, towards the One Thing, then we will naturally seek those things which are conducive to this, and we will naturally shun those things which are not.
Later we see Martha continues serving, but everything is all right – there is no complaining about Mary, and everything seems to go on as it should. It is not that service, fellowship, or preparing meals is a bad thing: it simply has to be in the right order. It is not that we cannot perform many good works and spiritual duties, but the work of the Lord must never have preeminence over the Lord of the work.