We are more familiar with and have more confidence in the old man than we do in the New Man. By the grace of God, this has to change. When we truly see the New Man we transcend the old man.
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The Depths of Christ
This, in a nutshell, is what it is to find ourselves lost in the depths of Christ. The more we know of Him, the less we realize we know.
Reduced to Christ
Like Martha, we have become troubled over “many things” (Luke 10:40-42). When those many things are discarded, and we are decreased, then we are free to focus our attention on the One Thing that really matters, and Christ is increased in us.
Giving in Secret
Jesus understood how easily people, even with the best of intentions, make value judgments of others based on material possessions. He obviously didn’t want that to be the case among His people.
A Prisoner of Love
If we must take up the Cross and be crucified, it is better to submit ourselves to it as Christ did, giving up our spirit into the Father’s hands, and bowing our head in peace. So let us drink the Cup that the Father gives us.
Making Peace
Peacemakers are ambassadors sent to represent the King and His Kingdom. What is the message? It is the message of reconciliation, the message that all is forgiven, the message of hope, and love, and grace, and a thousand other good things.
Who is Your Elder?
It should be obvious to you who is, and who is not, your elder in the Lord. And, it should be plain to see that not everyone who is older is necessarily elder.
An Exchanged Life
It is not a changed life that God seeks from you, but an exchanged life – that is, your life is to be given up in exchange for His Life.
The Potter’s House
I went to a pottery once and watched the potter form a lump of clay into a jar. He demonstrated the technique and in his skilled hands the jar began to take shape. But there was something about it that was not quite right…
Everyone Won’t, But Somebody Will
The Remnant is not an exclusive, elitist circle of super-spiritual saints. Not at all. The promises are made to the “whosoevers.” Anyone can be a friend of God! Anyone can overcome! But we know that everyone will not. Why won’t they?
Spiritual Fruitfulness
What is the fruit of the Spirit? It is the reward, the prize, the end result of all those seasons of increasing and decreasing: the character and nature of Christ reproduced in a person. It is the precious Seed finally coming into maturity.
Less of Everything Else
Of course there is nothing wrong with wanting more of the Lord, but there is so much that gets in the way of Him already.