What is the fruit of the Spirit? It is the reward, the prize, the end result of all those seasons of increasing and decreasing: the character and nature of Christ reproduced in a person. It is the precious Seed finally coming into maturity.
Infinite Supply
We bring forth the riches of Christ every morning with short, simple messages designed to encourage and challenge you in your daily walk with Christ. Sign up below to begin receiving!
Less of Everything Else
Of course there is nothing wrong with wanting more of the Lord, but there is so much that gets in the way of Him already.
How the Life Flows
To tap into the Infinite Supply it is only a matter of being yielded to the Lord and emptied of ourselves. When this happens then the Life will flow of its own accord.
Responding to Tribulation
Since we cannot avoid having tribulation in this world, we might as well make the best possible use of every circumstance we find ourselves in.
The Purpose of Your Trial
Bring your problem to the Lord of Infinite Supply, and do whatever He says to do. The very thing you see as a problem is really an opportunity to see Jesus in a depth you cannot otherwise see.
Getting Out of God’s Way
When we are only motivated by what JESUS needs, not what MAN needs and not what we think WE need, then we are on the path of continual and perpetual blessing.
The Lies We Believe
I know we consider it “only human,” but worry really implies a lack of trust in God. It is believing a lie. Identify the lie and you can quickly discover the Truth.
The Way of the Cross
As we are once crucified with Him for the remission of sins, so we must daily take up the Cross, deny our Self, and follow Him. We walk in the narrow Way just as we entered the narrow Gate – by way of the Cross.
Glimpsing Another World
I had been a pastor and teacher for many years. I thought I really knew the Lord. But one day God revealed His Son IN me. I was sitting in the backyard reading the Word and without warning…
Purposed Intention
God is not random. He doesn’t act without a Purpose, without a Plan, without some big Universal Goal. He is not haphazard or accidental. God sees what He wants and all things work together for good… according to His Purpose.
In Christ Alone
When you realize that you cannot save yourself will you acknowledge your need for Someone Else to do the saving. This is usually not the result of some intellectual argument or emotional plea, but the cold hard reality one faces after having tried unsuccessfully to do everything on their own.
The One Who is Greater
The Greater is always Greater, and the Lesser is always Lesser. We only have a problem when we see everything else as “greater” and see Christ as “lesser.”