A defeated Christian is a contradiction: it is not your destiny. Rise up and live according to the truth: that Victory is a Man, and He lives inside of you, and the One Who lives within you is greater than whatever comes against you.
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To Love Mercy
Ideally, forgiveness is based on repentance; but whether or not a person repents and asks for forgiveness, they are still in need of mercy (even if they do not deserve it).
Constantly Satisfied
The ones who seek bread from the Lord will be temporarily filled, but all who seek the Lord as Bread will be constantly satisfied. What is more, they will have resources from which to feed others.
No Compromise
This is what the Lord is after – a small company of two or three, gathered together under a covenant that they will stand for the Testimony of the Lord, for something Heavenly, regardless of the cost!
No Argument Necessary
Revelation does not require any arguing or convincing, as if it all depends on how well we can make a defense of the Gospel. I see no argument in the Lord Jesus, I only see Him. Seeing Him, I am convinced, and no argument is necessary.
He is Enough
We do not proclaim the preeminence of Christ because it is a nice doctrine to believe in; for us, it is a matter of life and death, because everything hinges on whether or not Jesus is preeminent.
He Must, Therefore He Is
He must increase; therefore, He will increase, and He is increasing. It must be so, therefore it is so. It is so simple. He must increase. Why?
Light Out of Darkness
The calling forth of Light out of Darkness is a spiritual principle that teaches us the ways of God. See how He sets aside Darkness with only a single command: “Let there be Light.”
The Secret of Victory
Victory, Grace, Strength, Peace, Love, Light, and Life are not “things,” they are Christ, and having the Man, you have everything the Man is.
Count the Cost
It is unfortunate that after many years of service the Lord still has to call us back to the Cross, yet this is precisely where we should have begun.
Not of This World
This New Man is Totally Other. This New Man is of Heaven. This New Man is Spirit. This New Man is foreign from this world.
He Leads Me
The Lord is glorified when He is able to dress us and lead us where HE wants us to go – with no interference from Self.