Although we do not yet see all things put under Him, the word “yet” implies that eventually we will see all things put under Him. That is to say, in due course, God’s Purpose will be fulfilled, and we will see all things put under Him – even though we do not “yet” see it.
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Rich in Mercy
Entry into His Kingdom is established upon the principles of grace, mercy, and forgiveness. If we have been forgiven by God then we have an obligation to forgive others – not for their sake, not for our sake, but for the sake of the Kingdom.
Walking By Faith
Many people look, but do not see. They look at the world and believe everything it says. Others have their eyes opened to see as the Lord sees.
Blessed Are the Eyes That See
People can listen to me preach all their life and never understand a word, but if the Lord opens their eyes to SEE Who I am preaching about then they will understand everything.
Prevailing Prayer
You can never coast, you can never let down your guard, you can never just let things slide for a day or two. Overcoming is not a once in awhile thing, it is an all-the-time thing.
Seeing Victory in Advance
“Acting spiritual” does not produce victory, for victory is not what I do or do not do: Victory is Christ.
God Moves Forward
God is not moving backward, but in the Son and through the Son, He moves steadily forward. Christ MUST increase. This is the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus.
Kept By Grace
When we undertake the work assigned to us by the Lord we will find the Life of the Lord is present to give us all the inner spiritual strength to see it through to completion.
Seeing Jesus
When we SEE an ever-increasing Christ Who is destined to fill all things, then we will be delivered from smallness and narrow-mindedness.
Radical Repentance
Repentance is a continual process of agreeing with what God shows us about ourselves and then making the necessary adjustments. The Holy Spirit is intent upon making radical adjustments – to create in us a willingness to look at things differently; an eagerness to begin seeing things as God sees them.
The Deeper Christian Life
Our taking up the Cross is basic to our following Christ, not something we are called to do after many years. The so-called “deeper Christian life” is but the normal Christian life.
Christ, Not Theology
Christianity is not memorizing certain doctrines or disseminating a systematic theology or having people repeat a so-called “Sinner’s Prayer.” Christianity is becoming one with a God-Man!