We need more than a touch from God; we must have God Himself. There is an ocean of difference between receiving the blessing and receiving the One Who blesses.
Infinite Supply
We bring forth the riches of Christ every morning with short, simple messages designed to encourage and challenge you in your daily walk with Christ. Sign up below to begin receiving!
God’s Power Revealed
Just as you continually rely upon Christ for salvation, so you must continually rely upon Christ for everything else.
Who is the Elder?
We owe a certain amount of respect to the aged by virtue of their seniority; but they may not necessarily be our elder in the things of the Lord.
Two Made One
The physical joining together of man and woman, whether in marriage or outside of marriage, has the effect of making them one flesh. Spiritually speaking, the Bride of Christ is joined to the Lord and is now one spirit with Him.
Will He Find Faith?
Rest assured that, “Now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed” (Romans 13:11). Two thousand years after His promise we are even closer to its fulfillment.
His Yoke is Easy
Many believers live their lives like a roller-coaster. They do not live according to principle, according to the Law of Life. Thinking it is up to them to become Christ-like, they turn an easy yoke and a light burden into a difficult yoke and a heavy burden.
An Anointed Head
All who walk with the Shepherd should experience Infinite Supply: a never-ending flow of the Life, Light, and Love of the Lord Jesus Himself. This is the normal Christian life, and it is God’s provision for every disciple.
No Going Back
The easiest thing to do is to quit, to give up, to go back to Egypt. But I’m telling you, get to the place where going back is no longer an option – then going back is no longer a temptation.
Comprehending Christ
What we call “new” is simply that which has been seen for the first time. Thus, revelation is critical, for it unveils what we already have. Having the Son, we have All.
Laboring in Christ’s Strength
There is no question that Paul worked, labored, and toiled. But the difference with Paul is he knew that he was laboring according to Christ working in him. Was Paul lazy? By contrast, he was more fruitful than ever.
Nothing Impossible With God
Once God has determined to do something, is there anything, or anyone, that can resist Him? Is man more powerful than God, or does it only seem that way sometimes?
Spiritual Growth Defined
Growth is not more knowledge or increase of years: it is simply more of Him and less of me. He increases as I decrease. This is what it means to be a disciple.