When we speak only to whom we are sent then we will see dramatic results. Trying to speak to everyone in general and no one in particular is a colossal waste of time and demonstrates poor stewardship.
Infinite Supply
We bring forth the riches of Christ every morning with short, simple messages designed to encourage and challenge you in your daily walk with Christ.
Fit to Follow
Some will say, “I am willing to die now that I have followed.” The person who knows the Cross says, “I am fit to follow now that I have died.”
What is Eternal Life?
Eternal Life has nothing to do with everlasting existence. Eternal Life is a Person; the Life is the Son; hence, we need only ask if we have received Jesus and we shall know whether we have Eternal Life.
Stubborn Sheep
The Shepherd is well able to protect His Sheep; the Shepherd’s challenge is to get the Sheep to stay close to Him at all times.
The Most Basic Lesson
It is a great day for the Lord when a disciple of Jesus learns this most basic lesson: that in “me,” in myself, in my flesh, dwells no good thing.
Satisfied in Christ
The Law of Life says that the presence of Christ within the believer results in spiritual satisfaction. If we have Him then we will never hunger or thirst again, because He is Infinite Supply.
Kingdom Living
At some point sermons and songs fail and something of the very Life and power and glory and majesty of God must come forth to meet real, practical needs.
Seeing Victory
Here is the difference between those who overcome and those who are defeated: it is not in their ability to fight, but in their ability to SEE, and this seeing is not of themselves, but is of God.
Abundant Life
Ask the Lord to open your eyes and show you the Life which is yours. Go to Him and say, “I have heard about this Life, but I don’t know how it works or what to do with it. Please show me.”
Ever Present Victory
Victory will never be future-tense and far-away, but Ever Present and Now. For Victory is Christ. And Victory lives within you.
“Not I, But Christ”
Just as salvation is ours through faith by grace, and not of ourselves, so it is with living the Christian life.
Dying Daily
If we must daily take up the Cross anyway, let us bow our head and give up the ghost instead of struggling to stay alive, which only prolongs our agony. The secret to overcoming is dying daily.