The Ultimate Purpose can be summed up into a single thought, a central idea, that you find weaving its way throughout the Bible and throughout human history.
Infinite Supply
We bring forth the riches of Christ every morning with short, simple messages designed to encourage and challenge you in your daily walk with Christ. Sign up below to begin receiving!
Praying Through to Victory
What awesome power and Life one receives, to drink that Cup that looked so impossible before, and to go forth bearing the Cross in the strength and power of God…
Ascending Prayer
Prayer ought to bring us up into the heavenlies, not bring us down deeper into the earth. It ought to focus our vision on the Father, not on man, or the problems of man.
His Government
God will continue to reveal His Son in the ages to come, bringing us into depths and dimensions of Christ that we cannot fathom.
The Fire Has No Power
The fire has no power over them because the fire has no power over Him, and there He is in the midst. They do not seek the fiery furnace, but neither do they shrink from it when it comes.
Christ Fully-Formed in You
Maturity in Jesus is what ministry is supposed to lead to. Christ is at the heart of everything; He is at the center of all activity; we begin with Him and we end with Him.
Fighting FROM Victory
Those who embrace the Cross have inherited the victory of Christ over all the works of the devil.
Your Jar of Oil
What you do with that one jar of oil makes the difference between a victorious life and a defeated life.
Dying to Live
If we have not already passed through death then we are constantly fearful of dying, but the one who has already died and lives again has nothing more to fear from death.
The Field of Treasure
If a man owns a field, does he not also possess the buried treasure in the field? Does it not stand to reason then, that if we receive HIM, we possess all He has?
Doing Flows from Being
What is the Christian Life? It is leaving our ground altogether and coming onto the ground of Christ. It is deeper than a changed life – it is an exchanged life
Right Investment of Time
When the time is short we must make the most of every opportunity and waste nothing. Ordinarily if we speak the Word to someone and they send us away, the best advice is to leave. Unfortunately, Paul was in prison and could not get away…