We should spend less time trying to understand “words” and more time praying for God to open our eyes. When our eyes are opened, then the words will make sense.
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We bring forth the riches of Christ every morning with short, simple messages designed to encourage and challenge you in your daily walk with Christ. Sign up below to begin receiving!
Don’t Instruct the Master
In every case we see that He is the Lord, and they are the disciples. The roles must never be confused. He is the Master, and we are His servants. We do not command Him, but He commands us.
God’s Simple Solution
To focus on our flesh and on our enemy is a huge waste of time. Instead, we must perceive just how glorious the Son of God is, and press deeply into Him.
Deliver Us From Distractions
I have said many times that we do not need more of the Lord, since we are already complete in Christ – we just need less of everything else.
“Wasting” Yourself on Him
We want to appear to be busy doing for God, busy at our “ministry.” But there is a place where we simply “waste” ourselves on Him, and outwardly we appear to be doing nothing.
Receiving Christ As All
Have you ever seen a brother or a sister try to act sanctified? They wear themselves and everyone else out. It is a burden to be around such a person. That is not Christianity. Christianity is this…
Manifesting Christ
God must work long and hard with us to bring us to this place, but what a glorious day it is when we are able to bow our heads and finally surrender everything.
Two Become One
Certainly this is a great mystery.
How God is able to make us one spirit with Jesus is beyond human knowledge. But this we know: however it is accomplished, it has its beginning in the Cross.
A Fresh Start
“I cannot pour new wine into old wineskins because it would ruin both. You need a new wineskin – a new heart, a new mind, a new understanding of things in order to receive what I wish to give you.”
The Heavens Do Rule
The Heavens DO rule, and it is the Most High God Who governs the affairs of men. THAT is the heart of the matter. THAT is what we are moving towards…
Receiving His Fullness
If there is a seeming difference in the “level” of anointing or power or spirituality among believers it is definitely not because some have more of the Lord than others. Let this be an encouragement to you.
All or Nothing
Do you really mean to say that there can be NOTHING that takes first place in my life but Christ? Is that what it comes down to? Absolutely, that is precisely what is at stake, and that is precisely where the battle rages…