Can we commit our spirit into His hands and give up Self, looking beyond the present suffering to see the joy that is set before us?
Infinite Supply
We bring forth the riches of Christ every morning with short, simple messages designed to encourage and challenge you in your daily walk with Christ.
Continue in Tribulation
We think having the victory means eliminating all tribulation. Nothing could be further from the truth.
A Spiritual Symphony
Christ, the Master Conductor, seeks a spiritual harmony among all His disciples: “that they all may be one… that they also may be one in Us” (John 17:21).
Why the Meek Are Blessed
A person who knows he is no better than the rest will not be easily lifted up above his brothers and sisters. But this meekness does not imply lack of power, or spineless passivity.
Do What God Blesses
The issue is never what we have or what we are doing, but rather, do we have the Lord’s blessing?
An Unavoidable Spiritual Law
We must see that everything God has done, everything God is doing, and everything God will do is for the purpose of INCREASING Jesus and DECREASING everything that is not of Him.
United in Resurrection
If we share in His death then we will share in His life. How could it be otherwise? What is true of the Vine is true of the Branches that are part of the Vine.
Alpha and Omega
Jesus is the Alpha from Whom all things in God are initiated, and Jesus is the Omega unto Whom all things of God find their purpose, their meaning, and their reason for being.
No Other Way
To insist that there is no salvation apart from One Man is, in the eyes of the world, rather narrow-minded. But we insist upon it because it is true.
Reigning on Earth
When we think of a king, we usually think of some human authority exerting their will upon their subjects with a haughty air. But true authority is not found in title or position.
First Submit, Then Resist
So many times we try to resist, but we are defeated. Why? Simply because we attempt to resist the devil before we have first submitted ourselves to God.
Celebrating Him
If there is no spirit-and-truth worship in our prayer closet at home, we cannot expect spirit-and-truth worship when we gather together.