God desires a group of people who no longer think and live as mere individuals, only concerned with getting their particular needs met; but are more interested in serving God and meeting the needs of each other.
Infinite Supply
We bring forth the riches of Christ every morning with short, simple messages designed to encourage and challenge you in your daily walk with Christ.
Receive Your Inheritance
As we look at the promises made to those who overcome we should see that God is not establishing some new order or special group which enjoys rights and privileges not accessible to the rest of the saints.
Governed by the Spirit
Since the Holy Spirit is responsible for the increase of Christ, spiritual growth is impossible apart from the Spirit.
All Things Put Under Him
The Kingdom of God. It is not a visible thing, but an invisible thing, for Jesus said the Kingdom is not seen, but is within you.
Crucified AS Us
The sooner we stop trying to crucify ourselves, the sooner we can boast in the finished work of the Cross and actually witness the evidence of it in our lives.
Are You Being Cheated?
According to Paul we are cheated “through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles (elements) of the world, and not according to Christ.”
Boasting in the Cross
As Self is submitted to Christ, Sin begins to lose its power of attraction, and Satan has no more leverage.
“I Am Finished!”
There is more hope for someone who is ready to give up and quit than there is for someone who keeps promising to do better tomorrow.
Lay Down Your Life
God does not fix the old man, but destroys it. He does not tell us to clean up our life, but to lay down our life.
Every Knee, Every Tongue
Christ will have the preeminence in all things, but it will not be the forced submission of a dictator who forces everyone to bow down to him whether they want to or not.
Doing Flows from Being
Does a bird become a bird once it learns to fly through the air? Or does it fly through the air because it is a bird? Which is it?
Remember the Loaves
When you’re going through a crisis of faith, it’s not easy to remember the faithfulness of the Lord. How quickly we forget the previous victories and the former blessings.