Never before or since has any man so thoroughly routed his enemy. The devil had finally met his match.
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The Irresistible Seed
Eventually the harvest will come and we will see the end result. Only then will the magnitude of God’s infinite wisdom and the greatness of His Purpose be revealed in all its fullness.
His Fullness
No one, no matter how “anointed” they may appear, has more fullness than anyone else. And if we have received it already then there is nothing for us to do to get it.
How to Defeat Evil
If you take the ax to the root of a bad tree, then it will stop producing bad fruit, and the issue is settled once and for all. If Self is denied then Sin becomes superfluous, and the problem of Evil is solved.
The Greatest Gift of All
The Father, wishing to demonstrate His great love for us, has not given us parts and pieces of things, but has sacrificed His only Son. By giving us His Son, He has, in essence and in fact, freely given us everything.
Everything for Him
God’s original thought is for Christ to fill every created thing with His Life, Love, and Glory. A design implies a Designer, a plan implies a Planner, and a creation implies a Creator. We are not drifting along aimlessly, and we did not come into being by accident.
Led by the Life
All too often we know well enough what we are to do, and we are looking for a way out of it; or we are trying to get confirmation from this thing or that thing before we will obey.
Beyond “Born-Again”
Our goal, and God’s goal, is not the gate, or we would not need a path. Though we begin our journey by entering the gate, the goal is at the end of the path, not at the beginning of the path.
Willing Vessels
The Life of the Lord is always looking for expression through a willing vessel that is both yielded and empty.
No End of His Increasing
Not only will there be no end of His Kingdom, but there will be no end of HIS INCREASING! Oh God, we cannot fathom that! We cannot comprehend that! It cannot be contained.
Protecting Your Valuables
Paul says we are to be on our guard and let no man cheat us. In this context, the word “cheat” means, “to destroy and strip of one’s possessions; to deprive of something valuable by force.” Each believer has an incredible fullness and completeness in the Person of Jesus Christ.
The Spiritual Significance of Light
In the spiritual world, the True Light, Jesus Christ, is shining into spiritual darkness with an irresistible, unstoppable brightness.