We tend to think of Jesus only in terms of the “Lamb” – meek, silent, longsuffering, and turning the other cheek. He certainly is all that. Yet here we get a glimpse of Jesus as the “Lion.”
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An Ascendant Spirit
It is one thing for us to try to act heavenly, and it is quite another thing for us to enter into such communion and fellowship with the Heavenly Man that we simply begin to exude His heavenliness.
The Head of the Body
We must not force this metaphor to an extreme and suggest that Jesus is unable to do anything without us; but we can certainly say that Jesus, as the Head of the Ekklesia, will not do anything without involving His Body.
Abundant Life
I am full of Him because He fills me. There is my “Life, and Life more abundantly.” My Life is not in what He gives me, but in Who He is.
The Privilege of Patmos
It is right THERE, in the desert place, in the place of exile, in the place of banishment, in the place of dryness, in the place of darkness, that Christ is revealed to us.
Crucified With Christ
Although Paul says, “I was crucified with Christ” he does not mean that he was present with Christ in the flesh at the moment of crucifixion; instead, he intends to show us something much more profound.
What to Expect
It is not a better living we need, but a better dying. We cannot reach Pentecost but by way of Passover. There can be no resurrection without a crucifixion. There is no crown without a Cross.
The Kingdom Gospel
When Jesus finally did send them forth to “go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature” this was not a strange new thing for which they were unprepared.
True Bread
The Lord may provide you with bread for a season, but there is a difference between looking to the Lord for bread and looking to the Lord as bread.
He Chose You
January 9 "You did not choose Me, but I chose you." JOHN 15:16 It is not so much our seeking the Truth as the Truth drawing us to Himself. That drawing us to Himself is interpreted by our soul as spiritual hunger. Without this we cannot come to Truth. Christ has come...
My Way, God’s Way
What does it cost to become a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ? What does one have to give up?
Defeating Darkness
Sometimes evil appears to have the advantage. But in death, in darkness, in the worst evil, Life and Light come forth and God is glorified.