Is there anyone in all the world who can truly meet for the purpose of ministering to the Lord and “waste” themselves in worship, giving no thought to their own need, but laying down their lives wholly for the Lord’s satisfaction?
Infinite Supply
We bring forth the riches of Christ every morning with short, simple messages designed to encourage and challenge you in your daily walk with Christ. Sign up below to begin receiving!
All Things Working for Good
Everything we experience: whether it is evil or whether it is good; whether it is something we have not chosen or something that we have chosen; whether it is something we like or something we do not like; all things are working together to increase Christ and decrease us.
Revolutionary Prayer
Overcomers do not just passively wait for Jesus to come back. They pray for His Kingdom to be established and for His Will to be performed.
Being a Blessing
When was the last time we separated ourselves from family, friends, and business and sought the Lord; not to receive a blessing FROM Him, but to be a blessing TO Him?
Exchanging My Life for His Life
Each time you lose a part of your life, you will find Christ’s Life is right there to fill the void. Every single time.
The Valley of the Shadow of Death
Death in the Irresistible Kingdom is never the end of the story, it is only the beginning of a new chapter.
Upheld By His Power
Before Him everything is manifest, and there is nothing hidden from Him. There is no darkness that He does not penetrate, no deception that He cannot illuminate, no evil that He will not eradicate.
An Indescribable Christ
We ought to meditate on this daily and ask the Lord to open our eyes to see the height, depth, width, length, and breadth of this JESUS Whom we say we serve. May God deliver us from our own idea, concept, perception, and illusion of a small Christ and give us revelation into the preeminence of His Son.
Boasting In Infirmities
If you want to boast, take pride in the things that make you weak, for when you are weak, you are strong – in Him.
Strengthened By Testing
It has been said that our circumstances will either leave us better or they will leave us bitter. Ultimately, the decision is ours.
Responding to Difficulties
December 7 “In the world you'll have trouble. But cheer up! I have overcome the world.” -JOHN 16:33 In the world we will experience temptations, testings, and trials. We will experience persecution, tribulation, and afflictions of soul and body. We will experience...
The Meaning of the Cross
The path to resurrection takes us through the Cross, for there can be no Resurrection and Life apart from crucifixion and death.