After many attempts and failures we at last realize we cannot, so we throw ourselves on the mercy of God and trust Him to do what we cannot do.
Infinite Supply
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The Fullness of the Kingdom
The Kingdom may be near, at hand, at the door, even within; but it has not come in its fullness until the King Himself returns. This is the sense in which Jesus calls upon us to watch and pray for the Kingdom to come.
Submit to the Cross
If we have to die in order to truly live, let us be about the business of dying! If we must be crucified in order to have Resurrection Life, then let us just submit to it and get it over with!
Order of Creation
The more we look at creation the easier it is to believe that there is Someone with infinite wisdom Who designed everything with purposeful intention according to a definite order and arrangement.
Prisoner of Love
Let us stretch forth our hands and allow Him to dress us and lead us where He wishes us to go, in the way we would not choose for ourselves, for that is the Narrow Way, and it is the path of blessing, though it be disguised.
Bread of Life
The significance of the Lord Jesus is not that He can give us bread, but that He is the Bread.
Simple Spiritual Growth
Spiritual growth is not stronger anointing, greater power, or increased knowledge. Spiritual growth is “less of me, and more of Him.”
True Confessions
We try to get people to confess in order that they may ATTAIN to something, but true confession comes forth naturally after they have OBTAINED it.
Because He Lives
I am not a Christian because I believe in the Bible, follow the teachings of Jesus, and live a good life. I am a Christian because Christ is my Life. Since Christ is my Life, I no longer live, but it is Christ Who lives in me. I do nothing to achieve this, it just is.
The Tree of Life
The Tree of Life represents the Cross, for from that Tree the Lord yielded up His Life for us all. Those who overcome have learned that fruitfulness and Life come from death to Self.
The Travail of Creation
Scientists call this decreasing “entropy,” and it means, “inevitable and steady deterioration.” We can observe this in creation. The present things are groaning and laboring in pain, deteriorating in order to make way for a new heaven and a new earth.
Good Out of Evil?
If God is good, why does He allow evil? A better question is: how can God allow evil and still manage to bring something good out of it in the end? Evil is not a stumbling block to an all-powerful, all-knowing Creator who specializes in bringing good out of evil.