The Kingdom of God is progressive – growing up from a single seed into an abundant tree with many branches and much fruit. Those seedlings were just freshly planted in eleven men and they would not come to maturity all at once but over the course of many seasons of increase and decrease.
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Grace is a Man
Grace is more than just a theological term used to describe how we are saved. Grace is the power of God at work in my life to do what cannot be done in my own strength.
His Fullness
Salvation is the narrow gate – coming into the fullness of Christ is the narrow path. The gate is only the entrance to something larger.
Apart from the Cross
Apart from the Cross, we do not know what it is to submit to the will of God, accept suffering, and cast ourselves upon Him. Apart from the Cross, we do not know what Resurrection is.
No Permission Needed
Paul says once he obtained revelation he had no need to confer with flesh and blood. Why? Because he was a maverick, an independent spirit, a rebel? No, it is only because the Revelation of Jesus is sufficient guidance.
The Spirit of the Law
Jesus fulfilled the spirit of the Law – even if it sometimes appeared as if He did not follow the letter of the Law.
The Most High Rules
When you see God’s Purpose, and you adjust your life according to that Purpose, and you consistently pray for the fulfillment of that Purpose, then His Purpose cannot be stopped; His Will cannot be frustrated; His Kingdom cannot be defeated.
Press Toward the Goal
God has a purpose for the universe: that in all things Christ would have the preeminence. This is the Heavenly Bullseye.
God’s Response to Spiritual Decline
Once the Lord has established for Himself a people that will represent His interests, then He will move immediately to secure, protect, establish, and strengthen the Remnant.
Hidden Manna, Secret Name
If we are always looking for something out in the open and in plain view then we will miss the deeper workings of God below the surface.
Why God Resists Us
It comes as a shock and surprise to some Christians to see one day that God, not the devil, is resisting them. The Lord Himself resists us, closes doors, causes things to be unfruitful, and spoils all our plans. How so?
To Be With Him
The first order of business was not the preaching or the sending forth; it was simply being with Jesus. During those times of being alone and apart with Christ He revealed Himself to them in a deep way.