When you look to the Word of God – not to a man, not to a movement, but to the Word of God – you actually see that the condition of the church in the last days has already been prophesied. We know exactly what to expect. We know exactly what to look for. Not only has it been prophesied, but we actually have a spiritual parallel in the nation of Israel. We’ve been talking about John the Baptist, and how he prepared a place for the Lord in the wilderness, outside the camp. The whole story of John the Baptist reveals not only the spiritual importance, but also the prophetic significance, of the wilderness experience; and it teaches lessons you and I need to know as we also endeavor to follow Jesus outside the camp.
OTC #11: The Prophetic Significance of the Wilderness
by Chip Brogden

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About the Author
CHIP BROGDEN is a best-selling author, teacher, and former pastor. His writings and teachings reach more than 135 nations with a simple, consistent, Christ-centered message focusing on relationship, not religion. Learn more »