As I prepared this teaching I realized that although I am primarily speaking to men, these principles are for everyone, not just husbands and fathers. Whether you are a man, or a woman, a brother or a sister, single or married, with young children, grown children, or no children, everyone stands to benefit from knowing and applying these principles – AND teaching them to others. Men, even if you have failed as a husband and father, it is not too late for you. This teaching can help you restore and rebuild relationships with a Christ-centered focus. Ladies, get this teaching for the men in your life that you care about – husbands, brothers, and sons. Pastors, make this available to every young man in your church, especially those who come to you for pre-marital counseling. It’s that important. Whatever your situation, I encourage you to listen, learn, and apply these principles. Then, teach them to others. Please join with me in agreement for God to restore our marriages and families to a Christ-centered foundation – in Jesus’ Name!
Becoming a Christ-Centered Man
by Chip Brogden

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These recordings are offered for “whatever you can afford.” We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price=”0″ name=”” billing_address=”1″ button_text=”Make a Donation” class=”aspButton biggy gold” item_logo=”×57.png” thankyou_page_url=””]
Once a man sees how Christ loves the Ekklesia then he will know how to love his wife and raise their children.
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About the Author
CHIP BROGDEN is a best-selling author, teacher, and former pastor. His writings and teachings reach more than 135 nations with a simple, consistent, Christ-centered message focusing on relationship, not religion. Learn more »