
All programs are in MP3 format for listening online or downloading to your device.

We appreciate the maturity and generosity of God’s people who recognize that though the Word of God is given freely, our life and ministry is sustained by freewill donations. We freely offer these materials on a “whatever you can afford” basis. Thank you for supporting Christ-centered teaching.

Topical Teachings

The 4 Essential Attributes of God

The 4 Essential Attributes of God

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

The 4 Pillars of Preeminence

The 4 Pillars of Preeminence

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

The 12 Mysteries in Scripture

The 12 Mysteries in Scripture

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

Abide in Me

Abide in Me

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

All the Parables of Jesus

All the Parables of Jesus

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

The Art of Spiritual Warfare

The Art of Spiritual Warfare

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

Beware the Leaven!

Beware the Leaven!

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

Building Better Relationships

Building Better Relationships

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

Coming Out and Going In

Coming Out and Going In

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

David: A Prophetic Perspective

David: A Prophetic Perspective

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

Decoding the Bible

Decoding the Bible

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

The Deeper Work of the Cross

The Deeper Work of the Cross

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

Developing Your Spiritual Discernment

Developing Your Spiritual Discernment

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

The Divine Mystery of Forgiveness

The Divine Mystery of Forgiveness

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

The Early Years: Volume I

The Early Years: Volume I

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

The Early Years: Volume II

The Early Years: Volume II

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

The Early Years: Volume III

The Early Years: Volume III

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

The Ekklesia: A Revelation of the Called-Out Assembly

The Ekklesia: A Revelation of the Called-Out Assembly

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

Elements of a Christ-Centered Faith

Elements of a Christ-Centered Faith

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

Exploring the 7 Temples of God

Exploring the 7 Temples of God

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

Faith Works By Love

Faith Works By Love

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

The Family of God

The Family of God

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

For Such A Time As This

For Such A Time As This

Our hope is not in any politician or government. Our hope is not in the Institutional Church or in any prophet, teacher, or man or woman of God. Our hope is in humbling ourselves before God as a first step.

Free At Last: How to Be a Christian Without Going to Church

Free At Last: How to Be a Christian Without Going to Church

To be a follower of Jesus, and to NOT go to church, is a “new” experience for many people! God is calling many people to come out of Organized Religion, out of “Churchianity.” They see the religious system for what it is, and they are being called by God to come out...

From the Cross to the Throne

From the Cross to the Throne

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

The Fruit of the Spirit

The Fruit of the Spirit

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

How to (Really) Hear from God

How to (Really) Hear from God

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

Into the Wilderness

Into the Wilderness

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

Jesus in Genesis

Jesus in Genesis

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

Law vs. Grace

Law vs. Grace

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

Living in the New Covenant

Living in the New Covenant

Jesus promises great authority and power to all who believe on Him, and Scripture confirms these promises. And yet there is much to be desired in our experience of power. Either something is lacking in the promise of God, or something is lacking in our understanding.

Revelation is the key, and the Scriptures themselves contain vital clues to our understanding of the secrets of spiritual power. The purpose of this study is not merely to fill our minds with information, but to help us to see, to experience, and to know “the exceeding greatness of His power” toward us, in us, and through us who believe.

Lord of the Sabbath

Lord of the Sabbath

The spiritual principle of the Sabbath is what God wants us to observe – not the outward ceremony. Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath. Jesus is the Master of the Sabbath. Jesus is the Point of the Sabbath. Jesus is the Goal of the Sabbath. In the New Covenant God wants...

Ministering to the Lord

Ministering to the Lord

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

The Ministry of the Holy Spirit

The Ministry of the Holy Spirit

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

The Ministry of the Prophet

The Ministry of the Prophet

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

The Overcomers: God’s Purpose for the End Times

The Overcomers: God’s Purpose for the End Times

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

Overcoming Bitterness and Unforgiveness

Overcoming Bitterness and Unforgiveness

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

Overcoming Fear and Worry

Overcoming Fear and Worry

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

Overcoming Guilt & Condemnation

Overcoming Guilt & Condemnation

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

Paul: The Apostle of Controversy

Paul: The Apostle of Controversy

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

Prayer: Adjustment to the Eternal Purpose

Prayer: Adjustment to the Eternal Purpose

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

Prevailing Prayer

Prevailing Prayer

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

The Prophetic Calling

The Prophetic Calling

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

Psalms for Spiritual Warfare

Psalms for Spiritual Warfare

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

The Purpose in Your Pain

The Purpose in Your Pain

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

The Rapture: Fact or Fantasy?

The Rapture: Fact or Fantasy?

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

The Redemptive Purpose of God

The Redemptive Purpose of God

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

The Remnant Principle in Daniel

The Remnant Principle in Daniel

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

Renewing Your Mind

Renewing Your Mind

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

The Riches of His Grace

The Riches of His Grace

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

Secrets of Spiritual Power

Secrets of Spiritual Power

Jesus promises great authority and power to all who believe on Him, and Scripture confirms these promises. And yet there is much to be desired in our experience of power. Either something is lacking in the promise of God, or something is lacking in our understanding.

Revelation is the key, and the Scriptures themselves contain vital clues to our understanding of the secrets of spiritual power. The purpose of this study is not merely to fill our minds with information, but to help us to see, to experience, and to know “the exceeding greatness of His power” toward us, in us, and through us who believe.

Serenity Scripture Meditation

Serenity Scripture Meditation

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

The Shepherd and His Sheep

The Shepherd and His Sheep

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

The Simplicity of Christ

The Simplicity of Christ

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

The Spirit of Elijah

The Spirit of Elijah

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

Spirit, Soul, & Body

Spirit, Soul, & Body

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

Spiritual Authority

Spiritual Authority

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

The Spiritual Desert

The Spiritual Desert

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

Strengthened Through Adversity

Strengthened Through Adversity

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

Terminate the Tithe

Terminate the Tithe

Get peace of mind and freedom from the bondage of the unscriptural enforcement of tithing. If you have questions about tithing and you need Scriptural teaching from someone other than the pastor of a church that expects you to pay tithes, this teaching is for you. I...

What is God Like?

What is God Like?

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

Verse-By-Verse Bible Teachings

The Messianic Psalms

The Messianic Psalms

These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name="" billing_address="1" button_text="Make a Donation" class="aspButton biggy gold"...

The Gospel of Matthew

The Gospel of Matthew

This is a verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter audio teaching of this powerful book. These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name=""...

The Gospel of Mark

The Gospel of Mark

This is a verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter audio teaching of this powerful book. These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name=""...

The Gospel of Luke

The Gospel of Luke

This is a verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter audio teaching of this powerful book. These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name=""...

The Gospel of John

The Gospel of John

This is a verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter audio teaching of this powerful book. These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name=""...

The Book of Acts

The Book of Acts

This is a verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter audio teaching of this powerful book. These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name=""...

The Book of Romans

The Book of Romans

This is a verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter audio teaching of this powerful book. These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name=""...

The Book of First Corinthians

The Book of First Corinthians

This is a verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter audio teaching of this powerful book. These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name=""...

The Book of Second Corinthians

The Book of Second Corinthians

This is a verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter audio teaching of this powerful book. These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name=""...

The Book of Galatians

The Book of Galatians

This is a verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter audio teaching of this powerful book. These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name=""...

The Book of Ephesians

The Book of Ephesians

This is a verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter audio teaching of this powerful book. These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name=""...

The Book of Philippians

The Book of Philippians

This is a verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter audio teaching of this powerful book. These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name=""...

The Book of Colossians

The Book of Colossians

This is a verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter audio teaching of this powerful book. These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name=""...

The Book of First Thessalonians

The Book of First Thessalonians

This is a verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter audio teaching of this powerful book. These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name=""...

The Book of Second Thessalonians

The Book of Second Thessalonians

This is a verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter audio teaching of this powerful book. These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name=""...

The Book of First Timothy

The Book of First Timothy

[spreaker type=player resource="episode_id=19332207" width="100%" height="150px" theme="light" playlist="false" playlist-continuous="false" autoplay="false" live-autoplay="false" chapters-image="true" episode-image-position="left" hide-logo="true" hide-likes="true"...

The Book of Second Timothy

The Book of Second Timothy

This is a verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter audio teaching of this powerful book. These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name=""...

The Book of Titus

The Book of Titus

This is a verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter audio teaching of this powerful book. These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name=""...

The Book of Philemon

The Book of Philemon

This is a verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter audio teaching of this powerful book. These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name=""...

The Book of Hebrews

The Book of Hebrews

This is a verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter audio teaching of this powerful book. These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name=""...

The Book of James

The Book of James

This is a verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter audio teaching of this powerful book. These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name=""...

The Book of First Peter

The Book of First Peter

This is a verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter audio teaching of this powerful book. These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name=""...

The Book of Second Peter

The Book of Second Peter

This is a verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter audio teaching of this powerful book. These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name=""...

The Epistles of John and Jude

The Epistles of John and Jude

[spreaker type=player resource="episode_id=19323626" width="100%" height="150px" theme="light" playlist="false" playlist-continuous="false" autoplay="false" live-autoplay="false" chapters-image="true" episode-image-position="left" hide-logo="true" hide-likes="true"...

The Book of Revelation

The Book of Revelation

This is a verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter audio teaching of this powerful book. These recordings are offered for "whatever you can afford." We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price="0" name=""...


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