This narrow path we call discipleship. It leads us somewhere. A path is not for standing still. It has a destination. Where does the path lead? What is the End?
Infinite Supply
We bring forth the riches of Christ every morning with short, simple messages designed to encourage and challenge you in your daily walk with Christ. Sign up below to begin receiving!
How to Get Blessings to Flow
Great synergy and blessing is released when we simply cooperate with what God has already purposed to do. Heaven backs us up with tremendous power and authority.
Fear No Evil
The Cross renders us dead to the world so that we can bring Life to others who are in the world and not worry that we may become contaminated or polluted by the things we encounter.
The Kingdoms of Our Lord
Not only can this Kingdom not be stopped, but when people see the King for Who He really is, they no longer desire to resist Him.
No Confidence in the Flesh
To react in the flesh diminishes spiritual authority, and this must be avoided at all costs. Allowing the flesh to have its way for only a moment guarantees defeat against a spiritual adversary.
Strategic Spiritual Warfare
If victory is ours then we do not need a method or a technique designed to “get” a victory which we already possess.
True Fellowship
We are in one accord not because we all look, think, and act just the same, but because we all, in spite of our differences, have God’s End in mind.
Seeing is Changing
Moment by moment, hour by hour, we are being changed. This transfiguration is subtle, but powerful.
Our Loss, His Gain
Our focus will not be on what Self loses, but on what Christ gains, for our loss is His gain.
In This Manner, Pray
When we pray “in this manner” we are transported and elevated beyond flesh-and-blood, beyond the natural, beyond the earthly, beyond the seen-and-felt universe in which we live.
As a Little Child
If it is the Kingdom you seek, the Kingdom you will find, but you must be changed in order to enter it.
Our Weapon of Choice
It does not matter if we face Goliath, or a bad habit, or a difficult circumstance, or even the devil himself. Sooner or later, the Cross will shine forth in victory – as long as we embrace it until the very end!