Growth is not more knowledge or increase of years: it is simply more of Him and less of me. He increases as I decrease. This is what it means to be a disciple.
Infinite Supply
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Slow Down
We want instant relief, instant answers, and instant results, but God wants us to slow down, remain calm, be still, and know that He is God. He wants us to apprehend His Mind, wait for His Spirit, and become acquainted with His ways.
Wanted: More Disciples
Can a man or a woman truly be a minister or worker on behalf of the Kingdom if they are not a disciple first?
The Spirit Points to Christ
The Scriptures that tell us about Jesus are inspired by the Holy Spirit. The ability to understand those Scriptures is given by the Holy Spirit. The fruit that comes from abiding in Jesus is the result of the Holy Spirit.
Challenging the Lie
Most of what we see and hear is an illusion. It is not the Truth, but a lie, a distortion. Our eyes and our ears cannot be trusted. We must have heavenly vision and heavenly hearing.
Persecuted for Christ
The depth of our sufferings reveals the depth of our relationship with God, and if our suffering is light then our relationship is certainly shallow.
Blessed in the Breaking
After Jesus blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them, their eyes were opened and they knew Him. Until you have the blessing and the breaking your eyes will remain closed.
Prophetic Revelation of Christ
The Book of Revelation itself is not primarily the revelation of what the end of the world will be like (although we do learn that), but is the Revelation and Testimony of Jesus Christ.
All Things Under Him
Although we do not yet see all things put under Him, the word “yet” implies that eventually we will see all things put under Him. That is to say, in due course, God’s Purpose will be fulfilled, and we will see all things put under Him – even though we do not “yet” see it.
Rich in Mercy
Entry into His Kingdom is established upon the principles of grace, mercy, and forgiveness. If we have been forgiven by God then we have an obligation to forgive others – not for their sake, not for our sake, but for the sake of the Kingdom.
Walking By Faith
Many people look, but do not see. They look at the world and believe everything it says. Others have their eyes opened to see as the Lord sees.
Blessed Are the Eyes That See
People can listen to me preach all their life and never understand a word, but if the Lord opens their eyes to SEE Who I am preaching about then they will understand everything.