If we must daily take up the Cross anyway, let us bow our head and give up the ghost instead of struggling to stay alive, which only prolongs our agony. The secret to overcoming is dying daily.
Infinite Supply
We bring forth the riches of Christ every morning with short, simple messages designed to encourage and challenge you in your daily walk with Christ.
Christ Spontaneously Revealed
Without warning the Lord simply reveals Himself, and whereas we were blind before, today we see.
Finding Grace
It took five hundred years of walking with God, but Noah found grace, and that made it all worthwhile. Let us learn to do nothing apart from this amazing grace.
Through the Fire
We do not have to seek weaknesses, infirmities, tribulations, temptations, or trials. We already have them. The key is how do we respond to them?
God’s Progressive Recovery
The Bible is the story of the progressive recovery and increase of Christ in the midst of a world gone astray.
What Would Jesus Do?
After some time following the Lord we should not have to stop and ask ourselves, “What would Jesus do?”
Victoriously Positioned
To overcome, you need only maintain the ascended position with Christ. We are not trying to get the victory. Instead, we have been made one with Victory.
Knowing Yourself
We need a strength and a wisdom that comes from Above, that comes from Beyond, that comes from Another outside of us and yet rises up from within us.
Getting Direction
“Need,” in and of itself, is insufficient guidance. The only thing that matters is being sent, and it is critical that we go only where the Spirit sends us.
The Gate and the Way
The narrow gate only opens the door to the narrow way. It is the narrow way which leads to Life, and few find it. Fewer still walk to the end of it.
Healing the Spiritually Blind
So many blind people hope to improve their seeing through sermons, meetings, and more teachings. But one moment of seeing is worth ten thousand years of learning.
Created for Him
When Christ has the preeminence, when He has the centrality and the supremacy, then all is well. God created all things “by Him and for Him” and installed Him as Lord of All.