What is the Christian Life? It is leaving our ground altogether and coming onto the ground of Christ. It is deeper than a changed life – it is an exchanged life
Infinite Supply
We bring forth the riches of Christ every morning with short, simple messages designed to encourage and challenge you in your daily walk with Christ. Sign up below to begin receiving!
Right Investment of Time
When the time is short we must make the most of every opportunity and waste nothing. Ordinarily if we speak the Word to someone and they send us away, the best advice is to leave. Unfortunately, Paul was in prison and could not get away…
One Kingdom, One Master
In this Kingdom, Christ alone has the preeminence, and you cannot serve two masters.
Having Him
What do you have? An experience? A word? A doctrine? A belief? Or a Man? This is the difference between a living Christianity and a dead religion.
He Himself Gave
These foundational ministries – ALL of them – are still needed today. And if they are still needed, then God has not withdrawn them
Dead Men Cannot Die
You cannot defeat a person who has already died. What more can you do to a man once he has died and been raised to life again?
Self Esteem vs. Christ-Esteem
We do not need Self-Esteem, we need Christ-Esteem. The more we see of Jesus the less we will trust in ourselves.
Deep Suffering, Deep Revelation
The depth of the revelation is measured by the depth of the suffering, and if our sufferings are light, then our revelation is shallow.
Touching the Lord
I am prevented from doing many things due to circumstance, location, state of mind, or resources. But one thing I cannot be prevented from doing is coming to the Lord.
A Living Pillar
They do not have to “come into” the presence of the Lord because they LIVE IN the presence of the Lord continually. And so they overcome the earthly by abiding in the heavenly.
What is Good for Him?
May we judge things not by whether they are “good for us,” but whether they are good for the Lord, whether His Will is done in them, whether His Need is met by them.
Whom Shall I Fear?
To be submitted to the Lord is to be under His care, under His guidance, under His power, under His protection. Whom shall I fear? What can man do to me? What can the devil do to me?