The Cross is not a mere theory, philosophy, or theological teaching; the Cross is a very real, practical, spiritual principle of Life overcoming Death.
Infinite Supply
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Kingdom Mysteries
The parables are not quaint little stories; they are prophetic declarations of spiritual truth, and they give us invaluable insight into this Irresistible Kingdom.
Vision of Victory
If we see ourselves seated with Christ in the heavenlies then we will behave in a heavenly manner, as a heavenly people, bringing the Mind and Will and Kingdom of God to bear upon that which is contrary to Christ on the earth.
Why Do the Righteous Suffer?
The testing of Job was a valid test, a crucial one, and a crucible through which each Christian will be purged, sifted, and tried. To what end? It is summed up in the words of Job himself as he neared the end of his ordeal…
Take Up the Cross
Taking up the Cross, for us, is adopting a spiritual attitude of self-denial, of surrender, and of yielding all that we have and all that we are to God.
An Irresistible Purpose
The Gospel is more, so much more, than how to avoid hell and go to heaven; it is the story of an Idea, a Purpose, an Intention, a Plan, which is working itself out in this universe even as you sit here reading these words.
Of Him, Through Him, To Him
All things are of Him, all things are through Him, and all things are to Him. That is preeminence.
The Authority of the Ekklesia
There is tremendous authority in the Ekklesia, but it bears repeating: the greater the authority, the greater the responsibility. There is no such thing as authority in the Kingdom of God without responsibility.
When Temptation Fails
Never before or since has any man so thoroughly routed his enemy. The devil had finally met his match.
The Irresistible Seed
Eventually the harvest will come and we will see the end result. Only then will the magnitude of God’s infinite wisdom and the greatness of His Purpose be revealed in all its fullness.
His Fullness
No one, no matter how “anointed” they may appear, has more fullness than anyone else. And if we have received it already then there is nothing for us to do to get it.
How to Defeat Evil
If you take the ax to the root of a bad tree, then it will stop producing bad fruit, and the issue is settled once and for all. If Self is denied then Sin becomes superfluous, and the problem of Evil is solved.