If only we could see the Body of Christ as a FAMILY instead of a religious institution or church building or nonprofit organization then I think it would resolve all of our concerns and issues around authority, discipline, organization, function, and how we are supposed to treat one another. I also think that if only we could see the spiritual family of God we would then see more clearly how our earthly families can and should function – marriage, parenting, etc. We would also understand why things go wrong in families and in our relationships with one another – and how to make them right again. We’ll find healing from our past negative experiences and stop carrying that baggage with us everywhere we go. Listen to this teaching series as we seek answers to these questions – and many more!!
The Family of God
by Chip Brogden

These recordings are offered for “whatever you can afford.” We welcome your donation (of any amount) if you feel led to support the message.
These recordings are offered for “whatever you can afford.” We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price=”0″ name=”ChipBrogden.com” billing_address=”1″ button_text=”Make a Donation” class=”aspButton biggy gold” item_logo=”https://www.chipbrogden.com/wp-content/uploads/apple-icon-57×57.png” thankyou_page_url=”https://www.chipbrogden.com/donation-thanks/”]
What does it mean when Scripture refers to “the family” in heaven and on earth (Eph. 3:15)? What does it truly mean to be brothers and sisters in this family of God?
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About the Author
CHIP BROGDEN is a best-selling author, teacher, and former pastor. His writings and teachings reach more than 135 nations with a simple, consistent, Christ-centered message focusing on relationship, not religion. Learn more »