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For too many people, a religion about Jesus is mostly a thing in their head, a statement of beliefs and doctrines, and whatever church activities they participate in. We can have all that, just as the Jews did; but without the Holy Spirit, we are simply “dead men walking,” whitewashed tombs filled with dead men’s bones.
We need to be adjusted to the government of the Holy Spirit, and that will take us above and beyond the earthly realms of religion and politics, into the realm of Spirit and Truth, where true wisdom and discernment comes from. Now, more than ever, we need Spirit-filled, Spirit-led, Spirit-taught, Spirit-governed people who can faithfully bear the Testimony of Jesus in the earth! What is the ministry of the Holy Spirit? How do we cooperate with that Spirit? What are the essentials of Spirit-led living? How do these things relate to a Christ-centered faith? I look forward to exploring this, and much more, with you in this series.