The entrance of light into darkness creates controversy and conflict, and this is how the Ekklesia came into existence. God worked through Paul to show that He can work through anyone. But everywhere he turned, Paul ran into resistance – from the Jews, from his own brothers and fellow laborers in Christ, from the Romans, and even from the devil! Even today, Paul remains a controversial and divisive figure – which is precisely why we need to study him and grasp the largeness of his view of Christ and of the Ekklesia. We need to see what Paul saw, because the conflict and controversy Paul encountered in the first century is not too different from the conflict and controversy we face today. What can we learn from Paul’s single-minded focus on Christ? And how can we apply those lessons to our lives, to our time, to our generation? We’ll explore those questions and answer them in this series.
Paul: The Apostle of Controversy
by Chip Brogden

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Controversy and conflict are as much a part of the Christian life as power and blessing.
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About the Author
CHIP BROGDEN is a best-selling author, teacher, and former pastor. His writings and teachings reach more than 135 nations with a simple, consistent, Christ-centered message focusing on relationship, not religion. Learn more »