Prayer: Adjustment to the Eternal Purpose

by Chip Brogden

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The Lord Himself taught us to pray daily for the establishment of God’s Kingdom and the fulfillment of God’s Will.

There is no “magic formula” for getting what you want through prayer. God will not be manipulated by faith-formulas or vain confession. He is not moved by our greedy pursuit of “things”. The Lord will never adjust Himself to us and what we want. Instead, we must be adjusted to Him and ensure that He gets what He wants. What He wants is a universe filled with Jesus Christ. This is why the Lord Himself taught us to pray daily for the establishment of God’s Kingdom and the fulfillment of God’s Will. This is the prayer of the Overcomers. When we pray in this manner we are being adjusted to God’s Eternal Purpose – individually as disciples, and together as the Body of Christ. In the process of time, the world around us gets adjusted as well. In this eight-part series of teachings we take an in-depth look at how Jesus taught us to pray. We examine key principles of prayer that cooperate with God and establish the preeminence of Christ over all things. We discuss real prayer as being Christ-centered, not self-centered. And we show you step by step how to get aligned, oriented, calibrated and adjusted to God’s Purpose – and stay that way.

(These messages were recorded live during a series of meetings in 2003.)

00. Introduction: God’s Eternal Purpose

01. When You Pray

02. The Kingdom of God

03. The Will of God

04. Our Daily Bread

05. Forgive Us Our Sins

06. Deliver Us from Evil

07. The Kingdom, Power, and Glory




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About the Author

CHIP BROGDEN is a best-selling author, teacher, and former pastor. His writings and teachings reach more than 135 nations with a simple, consistent, Christ-centered message focusing on relationship, not religion. Learn more »


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