The Classroom of the Cross

by Chip Brogden
We all must come face-to-face with any glaring inconsistencies between what we say we believe and how we actually live. This is why life’s difficulties are called “tests.” You sit in a classroom studying a subject for a period of time; then the test comes, and the point is to see what (if anything) you have learned.

In the case of our spiritual life, our Teacher already knows where we are; but we do not know ourselves. So the circumstances and trials of our life are permitted, and more than anything else, these difficulties reveal us for who we really are – not to discourage us, but to help us to grow.

Until then, we are very much like the young disciple Simon Peter, who boasted (in a good hearted-way) that even if all the other disciples forsook Jesus, he would never do so. We can smile at the impetuousness of Peter because we know how quickly this affirmation of faith wilted when it was tested. But can we not see something of our own selves in Peter? We are also full of good intentions and well-meaning platitudes, but how quickly we, too, stumble and fall when our faith is tested.

Peter did not know himself. He loved Jesus, and he wanted to obey Him, but he did not recognize or appreciate the weakness of his own flesh. His spirit was truly willing, but his flesh was weak – and he could not even see his own weakness. After the denial, when he wept bitter tears, was it not the most revealing moment of his life? His very failure was the means through which his Self-life was crucified. He learned that he could no longer trust his flesh and his good intentions. And this knowledge humbled him and prepared the way for him to grow beyond his failure and be transformed into a man who would eventually lay down his life for the Master – without fear, without protest. The earlier denials long forgotten, preserved only for our learning and instruction.

All of us go through moments of “denial” like this when we fail to live according to what we believe to be true, when faith is tested, and we cry bitter tears of frustration as we find that (once again) we have fallen short of the mark. Let us view these things for what they really are: opportunities for Self to be decreased, and for Christ to be increase. Our temptations, tests, and trials are doing the work of reducing us to Christ. Each wound we receive strikes a blow to our pride and weakens our independent spirit. The things that we think are there to humiliate, weaken, and destroy us are the very things that God uses to strip, refine, purify, purge, and mold our character into the very image of Christ.

We do not have to seek these decreasing experiences; they come to us automatically by reason of our existence in the world. Jesus said that “in the world you will have tribulation” (Jn. 16:33). And since this is the case, we might as well make the best possible use of every difficulty and circumstance we find ourselves in. These difficulties will either makes us better, or make us bitter. Ultimately, the outcome depends upon how we choose to respond.

The Blessings of Being Reduced

For those who choose the path of getting better, the benefits of being reduced to Christ are many. First, a person who is so reduced finds their spiritual life to be very simple. There is an elegant simplicity to a Christian who really wants nothing more than to love and please God. With this simplicity comes great peace, because having all their needs met in Christ, there is no worry or fear or sense of lack that often comes to haunt those who are always busy with much seeking. And with this great peace comes great joy, for when a person is reduced to Christ and seeks nothing else, there is a sense of completion and fulfillment, the kind one experiences when they are satisfied and content. And with this joy of satisfaction and contentment in Christ alone, there is rest – wonderful rest, because there is no further expenditure of time and energy pursuing anything else.

We have too many things that get in the way of Him. Let us hand all these competing interests over to the Lord. Let us seek the increase of Christ and allow our circumstances to decrease us as the Lord deems necessary, remembering that everything God has done, and will do, is leading towards a single, inevitable outcome: more Him, and less of me.

About the Author

CHIP BROGDEN is a best-selling author, teacher, and former pastor. His writings and teachings reach more than 135 nations with a simple, consistent, Christ-centered message focusing on relationship, not religion. Learn more »


  1. Robert

    Years ago, I was at the point in my life where I doubted that there was any hope for my life and was devising a plan to end it. There were many catastrophic circumstances and events that contributed to wanting to end my life. I could list all the circumstances but something more important happened. To help with the severity of my natural circumstances, I sought out psychiatric counseling. On the questionnaire I initially filled out there were many questions, concerning different circumstances that could lead to depression, that I answered to give the counselor an idea of my mental state. I had experienced every circumstance listed that could lead to depression. When the counselor looked at the questionnaire, she asked; “How did you survive this long?” Instinctively I answered: “By the grace of God!” I knew where my help ultimately would come from but I had not sought it out.

    As I was seeking out His grace in my prayers I was honest with God concerning all the negative circumstances. I asked in all sincerity; “What is this “crap”? God was honest in His reply as He spoke to my spirit and said; “What makes the best fertilizer?” The reality that the Word of God is a seed and my heart is the ground became my saving grace!

    We can’t comprehend how that “all things work together for the good of them that love the Lord and are called according to his purpose.” I now understand that if I dwell on all the negative it will just stay in my heart and my life will stink. But, by the grace of God, if I commit my life to the Lord He will work the circumstances into my life to produce His purpose. I understand faith somewhat better now. In the sharing my faith I hope you may grow in His grace.

    • Dana

      Wow Robert, Your story made me cry. I hate to hear sad stories where people suffer, but I am very glad God uses them for good!! I know God is there for you and can turn all of that “crap” into very fertile ground. I am happy He is a friend that sticks closer then a brother!

    • Fiona

      Thank you Robert – that is exactly what I need reminding about, ‘not to dwell on all the negative’. Wise words for me, and I pray that you will continue to grow in the grace and mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  2. Fiona

    Soooo glad this was in my ‘inbox’ this morning. Thank you and bless you Chip for this article. God’s timing is always perfect and this article is a much needed reminder in my ‘decrease’ to feed on God’s Word and let go of the many distracting things, so I can find rest/healing in Christ.

  3. kenneth dawson

    the true formula for Christian success would be as follows–100% the lord–0%of me

    • molly

      YES AMEN Kenneth

  4. Jackie Kaka

    Thank you so much Chip and Karla:) i am so thankful for your powerful teaching,encouragement,confirmation to my heart which has helped me in my own walk in CHRIST,and to help others.Man, i appreciate ” Classroom of the Cross ” which has lifted me up 🙂
    God bless you Chip,Karla and Family.

  5. sherry

    I believe that Peter had some time to think about what he had done, before Christ returned to Peter and questioned his heart. Christ knew all along that Peter loved Him but Jesus wanted Peter to tell Him and then show Him by feeding His sheep. Even though Peter failed under pressure, his humble heart was forgiven by Christ. Because Jesus came back to Peter with a love that’s hard to understand, Peter then could except that love and forgiveness and then share his Christ with others because this seed of Christ had been planted deep within Peter it took root. The story of Peter always humbles my heart and the picture of undying love that our Lord showed Him that day. May we take note, that He will always finish in us a good work that He has already started, and its up to us to humble ourselves and receive our call with gladness.

    • molly

      this something awesome sherry . i often wondered why Jesus asked Peter 3 times . so that peter be more assured of what He is entrusted with i presume.glory to God


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