The Early Years, Volume I is a rare collection of messages I recorded in my late 20’s to early 30’s. After being forced to leave our church, Karla and I traveled all over the United States to share our new-found freedom in Christ and to help others experience the freedom and joy of a Christ-centered faith. Not all these early messages were recorded, but the ones that were have been restored from cassette tape and offered as part of this three-volume series. These messages are unedited and recorded live as I spoke in a variety of gatherings that included formal traditional churches, informal house churches, and small groups. We believe these foundational teachings are still needed and worth revisiting, whether you are a mature believer, a new disciple, or an honest seeker of Truth.
The Early Years: Volume I
by Chip Brogden

These recordings are offered for “whatever you can afford.” We welcome your donation (of any amount) if you feel led to support the message.
These recordings are offered for “whatever you can afford.” We welcome donations if you feel led to support the message.[accept_stripe_payment price=”0″ name=”” billing_address=”1″ button_text=”Make a Donation” class=”aspButton biggy gold” item_logo=”×57.png” thankyou_page_url=””]
Listen to a younger version of me speaking with passion and zeal to audiences that were mostly (but not always!) receptive to what I had to say.
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About the Author
CHIP BROGDEN is a best-selling author, teacher, and former pastor. His writings and teachings reach more than 135 nations with a simple, consistent, Christ-centered message focusing on relationship, not religion. Learn more »