The Ekklesia is presented in the Scriptures as the Body of Christ. What does this mean?
First, the Body of Christ means that the Ekklesia shares in the same Life as Christ. “In Him was life; and the life was the light of men” (Jn. 1:4). Members of His Body can now say with equal assurance that since they are in Him Who is Life, they share in that same Life, for “he that has the Son has life; and he that has not the Son of God has not life” (1 Jn. 5:12).
The Body of Christ is not a corpse. Not only does the Body live, but its life is a resurrected life: “I am He that lives, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore” (Rev. 1:18). Having passed through death and risen again, Christ endures forever, and so does the Body of Christ. We learned previously how this was accomplished in the individual members: they took up the Cross and were crucified, dead, buried, resurrected, seated, and ascended together with Him. It stands to reason that the Ekklesia, as the aggregate of all those disciples of Jesus, would share in that Life together as well as individually.
Second, the Body of Christ means that Christ is the Head of the Body and His disciples are the members. Even in the natural realm we know that a healthy physical body does not make decisions or take any action apart from the head. It is the head (i.e., the mind) that determines what the body will do. Indeed, the body cannot properly function apart from the head. When the body is disabled due to injury or disease it means either the body is unable to carry out the instructions of the head or the head is unable to give instructions to the body. We rightly observe this as something that needs medical attention. Were the head to be separated from the body the result is immediate death.
Equally obvious is the fact that the head can take no action without involving the body. We must not force this metaphor to an extreme and suggest that Jesus is unable to do anything without us; but we can certainly say that Jesus, as the Head of the Ekklesia, will not do anything without involving His Body. As Jonathan said of his father, so we can say of ours: “Behold, my father does nothing either great or small without disclosing it to me. And why should my father hide this from me?” (1 Sam. 20:2ff, ESV).
This is the same sense in which we should see the Ekklesia as the Body of Christ. In one sense Christ can never be separated from His Body; in another sense, nothing prevents members of the Body from going independently of Christ. Even in the Ekklesia God forces nothing upon anyone, but there is the warning from Jesus that “without Me you can do nothing” (Jn. 15:5b). Disciples of Jesus are expected to shun the independent path of Adam and follow the narrow path of moment-by-moment dependence on Christ; if not, the effect may not be actual separation from Him, but the spiritual consequence is very nearly the same for those “not holding the Head, from which all the body by joints and bands having nourishment ministered, and knit together, increases with the increase of God” (Col. 2:19). Not holding the Head – that is, taking action independently of the Head – means loss of nourishment, which leads to spiritual decay and eventual loss of life. As we have seen, Life is entirely dependent upon our relationship to the One Who is Life. He that has not the Son, or he that holds not the Head, has no Life.
Third, the Body of Christ means that all the different members have their own place and function, each contributing something to the others, each playing a vital role: “Now all of you together are Christ’s body, and each one of you is a separate and necessary part of it” (1 Cor. 12:27, NLT).
We have said that Christ calls us as individual disciples and the Holy Spirit then works with each of us personally. Now we see how the individual disciples are brought together to form His Body. Each retains their uniqueness, yet there is something among each of them that is common to all. There are different members in different places with different purposes: each distinctive but each working together, united beneath the same great Purpose and Intention of God, working under the direction of the Head like a great spiritual symphony.
“God set the members every one of them in the Body, as it has pleased Him” (1 Cor. 12:18). This results in a spiritual oneness and unity (for better or worse) so that “if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; or if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it” (1 Cor. 12:18).
Everything you do (or do not do) as a member of the Body of Christ affects all the other members. No one is an island. The Difficult Path may be lonely at times, but we are never truly alone.
Hello, dear Sherry,
I would like to answer some thing you wrote if you don’t mind…
It is not hard to use the gifts outside the “church’ because they are His gifts and we use them whenever HE tells us and shows us where to use them ! That could be anywhere…it has nothing to do with the institutional church. Also the good works are HIS works – the works He shows us not what WE think we should do !
Here is a good example:
You foolish person, do you want evidence that faith without deeds is useless ? 21Was not our father Abraham considered righteous for what he did when he offered his son Isaac on the altar? 22You see that his faith and his actions were working together, and his faith was made complete by what he did. 23And the scripture was fulfilled that says, “Abraham BELIEVED God, and it was credited to him as righteousness,” and he was called God’s friend. 24You see that a person is considered righteous by what they do and not by faith alone.!
Here the Lord first TOLD Abraham what to do and Abraham was obedient ! That was the good work !!
Yes we all suffer (loneliness), but always remember: Without suffering there will be no life. A good example is a woman giving birth to a child.
But I want to encourage you: We are the body of Christ and here you can find fellowship and sometimes the Lord also gathers us together at HIS timing !!
I love you sister,
may His peace be with you!!
Greetings, bros and sis, in the love of Jesus. Yes Christ is the head and we the ekklesia, the body of God’s kingdom here on this earth. I read your message, Sherry, and hsvd good news for you. You don’t have to be lonely any more. You can share what Jesus has done for you with others in your neighbourhood and community and start a ‘house church’ in your own home or that of a friend who is a follower of Jesus. You can then start to worship God and fellowship together weekly. The early Christians did this in Acf chapters 2 & 4. Read it for yourself. Check up Felicity Dale’s website on the Internef on how to set up a ‘housechurch’. Bro Chip’s website and conferences is also a good place to interact and fellowship with other followers of Jesus. Finally, you moght want to check up on Myles Munroe’ s ebook on tbe Internet on Kingdom Living Principles, Culture, and Values. As the ekklesia, we continue to support and love one another as we establish the Kingdom of our LORD Jesus on this earth. And thanks again, precious bro, Chip, for your timely article. From Eddie Poh, Singapore.
well put I cant imagine the topic being stated any more clearly–thanks
This is where its very difficult being the body of Christ, one with another, when leaving the man made church. Its very hard to fellowship and use our gifts as a community like Christ wants. I have found no one to fellowship with and to do good works of Christ out side the institutional church. I know the Lord does not want His body to be isolated without coming together for worship and works of the gospel. Every time I talk to those still there, I’m looked down on and people assume I’m mad or in sin or I’m judge mental. I’m very hands on, I enjoy going out and getting together with those in Christ, for prayer, bible study, good works, etc. There are probably people like me in my area, I just don’t know where to find them. I’ve been isolated for over 2 years and the loneliness is terrible. I know the Lord called me away for a reason and I have learn so much, but I crave fellowship with people that understands why I left it all behind.
Good word Chip,may we all come into union with our glorious Head, Christ Jesus. May each of us grow up into Christ in all things Who is the Head, working every member in every function-apostle, prophet,pastor, teacher,etc. and seen as being the function of the Head in and thru the Body. Our purpose is to be the expression of Christ wherever we go and whatever we do or say. We all work in unity altho we have different gifts but the same goal and Purpose in Christ Jesus.
I love your analogy of the body being a “symphony”…..we were watching an orchestra the other day playing a Dvorak symphony, and the very same thought crossed my mind – that Jesus is the conductor, and each one of us plays a part that BLENDS with the others – none can “do his own thing” apart from the music (commandments of what and how to play their role) and “individualism” is NOT going to work – it is complete teamwork under the leadership of the Master. ONLY that submission and obedience to HIS commands does the glory of the music come forth to thrill the listener – and the observer. Every now and then one player is asked to perform a small section on his own, but it is to compliment the whole, not glorify himself. Like a Masterpiece painting, each stroke of the brush completes the whole picture. One out of place can ruin the whole picture, one missing likewise. Pride has no place in this – only by humility, submission and obedience, can the glory of God shine forth, and HIS glory shine forth. Hallelujah!
Because we are a part of the Body of Christ His blood flows when we speak. Life is in the blood and we speak the Word of Life.
Prayer is our immune system and the Angels of God are the white blood cells.
Thank you Chip for being (manifesting) the part that you are.
Thank you, this was a timely article and I printed so I can study and meditate on it.
Shalom and Gods blessings to you.