It does not want to see Christ fill all things. It does not want to see the establishment of an Irresistible Kingdom. There is opposition at every step. Whether it is the attack of the adversary or the rebellious independence of man, God often appears to be hemmed in by His own determination to reach out to the nations of this world. And yet, no matter how far removed from God’s Purpose things seem to get, we find a divine constancy at work. More often than not, God works behind the scenes, below the surface. That is the reason why Jesus so often compares the Irresistible Kingdom to a seed: buried in the earth, hidden away, but working all the time.
“So is the Kingdom of God, as if a man should cast seed into the ground; and should sleep, and rise night and day, and the seed should spring and grow up, he knows not how. For the earth brings forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear. But when the fruit is brought forth, immediately he puts in the sickle, because the harvest is come” (Mk. 4:26-29).
“He knows not how” the seed grows and produces fruit. Once the seed is in the ground it just naturally comes forth the way God intended – but not immediately. First the blade, then the ear, then the full corn in the ear. Like everything else in God’s creation, it is progressive.
Likewise, we “know not how” this Irresistible Kingdom continues to grow and develop, yet it persists in doing so. It really is irresistible. Eventually the harvest will come and we will see the end result. Only then will the magnitude of God’s infinite wisdom and the greatness of His Purpose be revealed in all its fullness.
The Underground Ekklesia
When a group of people who used to have the freedom to live and work out in the open are then forced to live and work secretly, we say that they have gone underground. The Ekklesia has, for all intents and purposes, been underground for 1700 years since the Church successfully established itself as a counterfeit. There is a reason why the period of time known as the Dark Ages was so dark. Political and cultural issues aside, as the Church grew and prospered, the Life, Light, and Love of Christ that had once been so predominant in the early Christians simply faded away. New generations of people came along and were assimilated into a religious system that mixed Christian ideology with pagan rituals and symbolism. That the Roman Catholic Church dominated this period of history should come as a surprise to no one. That is not to say that there were not some bright lights shining in the darkness, but those bright lights were often persecuted and snuffed out by the Church. The stark reality is that Christianity as a religion about Jesus successfully eclipsed Christianity as a relationship with Jesus.
What do we say to this? Will we say that God’s Purpose has been thwarted? Will we say that His Irresistible Kingdom is not so irresistible after all? Do we believe that God only spoke and acted during the first century and then lapsed into silence and inactivity after the last book of the Bible was written? Certainly not!
The good news is that even if the Ekklesia has been underground, it is still growing and developing. When the season is right it will burst forth and once again those who have eyes to see will indeed discern the blade, the ear, and the full corn in the ear. In fact the blades have already broken ground in several places and we are even beginning to see some ears taking shape.
If you have traced the recovery of the Heavenly Order so far then you know there have been many obstacles and hindrances to God’s Will over the last six thousand years or so of the history of mankind. So far God has defeated everything that rose up to challenge His Purpose in Christ. Not only has He defeated it, but He has actually used evil to bring about good and further increase His Son. The Scriptures provide us with every expectation and assurance that God will continue to do the same with our generation. He is very much an active part of world affairs, whether they be secular or sacred. The Institutional Church is not too difficult for God to handle. With a blink of His eye it will collapse. But He has allowed it to grow and prosper for the time being, and we know that tares and wheat will continue to grow together until the great Harvest at the end of the age.
I have been greatly blessed by your sharing and Karla’ s, bro Chip. Reading your book on ‘The Propetic Mandate’ encourages me much. It is in line with what God has been impressing on my heart, especially all these years. The chapters from ”God’s Prophetic Priesthood” onwards is particularly interesting as it talks about the Hidden Priests under the Zadok Priesthood. This ties up with many of our (past) experiences under the Instititional Church. It is difficult to work with those ‘who serve in the Outer Court. 1 Samuel talks about this subject and give an accoint of the priesthood of Zadok compared with that of Eli, and later, Abiathar. We must be careful in how we deal with ”holy things’ and not confuse them with ‘profane things.’
In our efforts to reach out to the lost and unsaved, we must make sure that ”the Spirit of the LORD is upon me,” just like He was upon/(filled with) Jesus, at the start of His earthly ministry. We have to be careful that we do not go out in our own fleshly strength. Your book covers all these aspects beautifully
Praise God. I fully recommend ut to all who are thirsty for the Truth and to walk in the same anointing Jesus had.
I thank Daddy God for you and Karla. Hallelujah!!!
Let Jesus continue to increase as we decrease
Even as we continue to live by faith and in the Zadol Priesthood, under the order of Melchizedek (Hebrews), His glory shall continue to grow and be established on the Earth, as it is in Heaven.
bro eddie
Chip and Paula,
What wonderful fresh word’s of wisdom.When I was in the church system a few years ago,I prayed for well over a year that Jesus would show me truth of who He really is.I wanted Him,I desired to be closely connected to Him,I needed Him mostly.I became overwhelmed at what the Lord immediately started to show me.The system was false,the one at the pulpit trying to take the place of Christ was false,the tithe was false and alot of doctrine was false, being taught by false christ.At fisrt When my family and myself left,to never look back,it was if something had died and I grieved for along time,then became angry at the whole system and how it has fallen so far from grace.It still make’s me numb to think of it all.My family and friend’s think I’m going overboard for making a big deal about the wrong of it and they say I’m just judging because I don’t agree with the ministry of the pastor,this is sooo far from the truth.I left Egypt in order to be free in Christ and to be lead of His Spirit and that is it.The Lord has also showed me that the 2 main holiday’s we celebrate every year, a falseness in the way they are celebrated.We mix christian and pagan belief’s together thinking God is OK with it, since we are using His name to do so,but God said He would not share His glory with another and He didn’t want to be worship like the pagans worshipped their false gods.In Jeremiah ,God is very specific on how we cannot be doing what the pagans did at what we call christmas and easter and put Christ as a band aid over paganism.No one told me of these wrongs going on,the Lord Himself opened my eyes for me to see Truth, not to mix man made traditions with His worship.I believe God is calling His people out of the false system because He is getting ready to harvest what’s His.I praise Him always for taking the vail off and causing my eyes to see.
We are called a peculiar people. Well we sure are going to be living up to that name more and more. On top of that we are the weak ones, the foolish, the ones that count for nothing in this world.This being so, with nothing of ourselves to rely on, we live not by sight but by faith….we can’t see it, no one can.This faith not coming by sight, comes by something else….it comes by hearing…it comes by the word of God. So we are indeed a very peculiar people, we’d better get used to being so, and expect what will come in the way of rejection and ridicule along the way. The hard thing also is that being children led by the Father, we will not always feel brave, not always sure we have heard right, we will sometimes fall and feel weary, but we will try to continue….why? Because something has won us over, something that has spoilt us forever….we have seen something of His great and unsurpassing glory, and there is nothing and no one on this earth that can match it. May God give us the grace and the courage to keep pressing in to that which we have for now only glimpsed.