
“Anyone who belongs to God listens gladly to the words of God…” – Jesus (Jn. 8:47, NLT)

OTC #0: Following Jesus “Outside the Camp”

OTC #0: Following Jesus “Outside the Camp”

If you are burned out on religion, if you are fed up with church, if you don’t feel as if you fit in to the popular Christian culture, and you are hungry and thirsty for truth on a deeper level, then my message to you is simple: You are not crazy, you are not alone, and now is the greatest opportunity of your life!

OTC #0: Following Jesus “Outside the Camp”

OTC #1: Jesus Ruined My Life

You can have religion with no revelation. Revelation leads to revolution! That’s what repentance is – a revolution, a total change in your mind, your heart, your behavior that takes you way beyond where you were, and takes you to a brand new place you never dreamed was possible.

OTC #0: Following Jesus “Outside the Camp”

OTC #02: Meeting the Real Jesus

“I’m not saying you need to get your act together and start doing more for God. I’m saying it’s time for you to meet the same Jesus Paul met, the kind of Jesus that changes you from the inside out, that creates such a spiritual revolution in your life that it ruins you – in a good way. I’m talking about a relationship, not a religion!”

OTC #0: Following Jesus “Outside the Camp”

OTC #03: Religion vs. Relationship

Chip discusses the freedom and joy of a love relationship – not just another religious relationship pretending to be love, but a real relationship with God, and a real relationship with God’s people, that is based on Christ, not based on church.

OTC #0: Following Jesus “Outside the Camp”

OTC #04: Remember Your First Love

Chip discusses how to overcome our religious addiction and find our first love again by embracing the simplicity of a Christ-centered faith.

OTC #0: Following Jesus “Outside the Camp”

OTC #05: Forsaking the Assembly, Part 1

What does Hebrews 10:25 mean, in context? Have you forsaken the assembling of yourselves together when you stop going to church? Let’s see what the Word of God has to say.

OTC #0: Following Jesus “Outside the Camp”

OTC #06: Forsaking the Assembly, Part 2

In First Corinthians 11:17, Paul says, “Now in this that I declare unto you I praise you not, that you come together not for the better, but for the worse.” And I think the describes most of the meetings and services and gatherings taking place today…

OTC #0: Following Jesus “Outside the Camp”

OTC #7: Simple Gatherings

Jesus said that He is in the midst of two or three who are gathered in His Name. For all the talk about “gathering together” it really isn’t that difficult, if you just eliminate from your mind the old institutional obsession with large numbers.

OTC #0: Following Jesus “Outside the Camp”

OTC #9: The Spiritual Importance of the Wilderness, Part 1

In the wilderness, you have to rely upon the Lord for daily bread, and water from a rock. Your spiritual life is revealed for what it really is, and there in the wilderness you learn the difference between a religion about Jesus and a relationship with Jesus.

OTC #0: Following Jesus “Outside the Camp”

OTC #11: The Prophetic Significance of the Wilderness

When you look to the Word of God – not to a man, not to a movement, but to the Word of God – you actually see that the condition of the church in the last days has already been prophesied. We know exactly what to expect. We know exactly what to look for.

OTC #0: Following Jesus “Outside the Camp”

OTC #12: The Wrath to Come

As we draw near to the second coming of Christ there is a prophetic urgency that brings both the same promise and the same meaning that John the Baptist did when he says that the axe is laid to the root of the tree.

OTC #0: Following Jesus “Outside the Camp”

OTC #13: How to Go from Frustration to Faith

When we look at our environment, we are rewarded with Frustration. But even a negative emotion like frustration can be used for a holy purpose. It is a journey all of us must take that brings us from Frustration to Faith.

OTC #0: Following Jesus “Outside the Camp”

OTC #14: How to Go From Faith to Fearlessness

True faith leads to fearlessness – boldness, confidence, and assurance – that, regardless of whether I understand things, regardless of whether I like them, regardless of whatever thing I am faced with or forced to go through, God is Who He says He is, and He will do what He says He will do.

OTC #0: Following Jesus “Outside the Camp”

OTC #15: The Law of Love (Part 1)

True faith leads to fearlessness – boldness, confidence, and assurance – that, regardless of whether I understand things, regardless of whether I like them, regardless of whatever thing I am faced with or forced to go through, God is Who He says He is, and He will do what He says He will do.

OTC #0: Following Jesus “Outside the Camp”

OTC #16: The Law of Love (Part 2)

True faith leads to fearlessness – boldness, confidence, and assurance – that, regardless of whether I understand things, regardless of whether I like them, regardless of whatever thing I am faced with or forced to go through, God is Who He says He is, and He will do what He says He will do.

OTC #0: Following Jesus “Outside the Camp”

OTC #17: Hope for a Hopeless World

We are, of course, concerned for the people being slaughtered in Ukraine. We are also concerned for Europe. And, with the introduction of nuclear weapons, we now must be concerned for the entire world. The question is this: Is there hope? Does it do any good to pray?

OTC #0: Following Jesus “Outside the Camp”

OTC #18: Going Forth to Him

My observation is that all of us are called out, but not everyone has come out. Just like God’s people of old, God’s people today are so entangled in religion, so caught up in church, so mesmerized by the ministry, that they have allowed that spirit of Babylon to lead them astray from the simplicity of Christ.

OTC #0: Following Jesus “Outside the Camp”

OTC #19: Looking for Fellowship in All the Wrong Places

Kind of like that old song – “Looking for love in all the wrong places, looking for love in too many faces.” I suppose that applies to some Christians looking for love in the form of fellowship, too; looking for fellowship in all the wrong places, looking for fellowship in too many faces. Why do we do that? I think there are a couple of reasons why…


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